Meet my two traditional Siamese cats!
Pitts the dark seal point and Poppy the lighter
Chocolate point.They have been the centre of
my life since they arrived 5th of may 2008.
I hope you enjoy this page and will leave me some
nice comments, and hopefully meet some more
people with these extraordinary "cats"!!

PS: A lot of the photos are clickable!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Kitty of the day!

Kitties know how to give love!

animation doesn't seem to be working. Click me instead!!

Click me!

Friday, August 5, 2011


Heellooo strange and big creatures! I have to tell you guise, I'm sooo happy! Why you ask? Because I love it when mommy has her holidays. I don't know exactly what this means or a holiday from what, all I know is, is that mom is home A LOT. I love it when mom stays at home because this means: Cuddles, cuddles, kisses and cuddles! Dat's whut a Poppy needs! I thrive uv cuddles!
I'll tell you how my day starts. When mom is having one of her holidays she usually getsup vewy late. It all starts very early when I cuddle up next to mom, sharing the pillow, laying on top of her head. At around 10 'o clock I'm beginning to get really cute. This is when mom first starts to wake up and notices how cute I am. I'm all curled up; one cute bundle op Poppyness. They once told me I look like a coffee bun! I'm at my cutest when I stretch because when I do this the tip of my little pink kitty tongue sticks out of my cute mouth. At the same time my mom gets some of my soft paws pushed into her face! Because I'm so cute I can get away with anything, hihi.  Then we both slowly start to wake up. Being drousy and cuddly totally works for me.
But the drama starts as soon as mom is planning on getting up. I don't care what time it is, I want infinite cuddles. She swings her legs over the edge of the bed and I start to cry. I get a pat on my head and I'm being told that she really really has to get up. I'm not satisfied! She scuffles of to the bathroom and I keep crying. When she's sitting on that strange bowl of running water, I cry again, stare, look and jump! Right onto her lap! Sometimes mom doesn't want me to sit on her lap, but I'm a kitty, I'm awesome and spoiled and I do it anyway.    Now you're probably wondering what these photos are all uhbout, neh? This is me demanding attention from mom! I love it some much when mom cuddles me that I din't even mom taking pictures of me!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Kitty of the day!

This time a couple of kitties for you to enjoy. What connects them..?? You'll see!

I desperately want to stuff my face into that belly

Presents for Mommy

Helloooww!! It's bin uh while uhgain since little Pitts spoke her mind! I'm the more quiet littel kitty, the silent cuddler. I also show my love for mom by giving her the only things I own (poor kitty): my toys! Every night I bring mom all of my toys, so when she wakes up, she hopefully feels happi en proud of me. Unlike other kitties I want mom to be proud of me and praise me when I do my best to bring her all of my toys  

Mom took photos of the toys on different days. I wish she would photograph them more offen. I bring her these toys every single day and there are just two photographs Maybe mom will read this! On the first photo you see my toys laying on the bed.

My toys on the floor! I don't drop them on the exact same spot every day. Hella, that would be boring!

Kitty of the day!

Ellow, tish me Mental Disorder Cat   

Me likes to do crooked faces!

 Gwèèèèèèèèèhhhhhhh!!! Get-eet outa my moufff!

Serious Ninja skills! Impressive!

 Mental Disorder Cat trying to rock imaginary kittens to sleep...

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