It's been a while since i posted my last entry. Been busy with quite a lot of things; school, moving out and having no internet. Especially having no internet is a true pain the ass for me, as I'm used to spending quite a lot of my time behind my notebook.
But yes, you heard well. The girls and me moved to another home. seven whole km from the old spot, but one hell of an improvement.
Pitts is feeling really great again, spending a lot of time being around me, bringing me stuff. But also they have the whole house for themselves now. A whole new world has opened up for them, and they truly love it. Like spending hours sleeping on my bed, and sometimes mom just laying next to them. Especially Pitts loves that; so once every hour or so, I get a little soft paw into my neck or face, saying: hi mom, I'm still here.
My little house has two floors: livingroom, working space and kitchen being on the groundfloor, and bathroom and bedroom on the first. all of her toys mysteriously move to the first floor at night, haha, and in the morning all of the return downstairs again. Still, Pitts has her favourite toys. Her little pink babysock named Onno, is her definite number one. At this moment it's lying just in front of me. Since two days she has her refound second favourite; an elastic string used to make clothing stretchy. That one is laying next to Onno right now! \^0^/
And last night she brought me (very loudly) a new toy: one of my sneaker socks haha.
But third is Poppy's favourite mouse. Poppy plays with it for hours and hours, until just an eye is left. (it's made out of wool, so slowy they fall apart. me finding fibers everywhere)
Poppy still a bit of a bitch in the beginning, but after a week that was completely gone! Really surpirised, because Poppy can be in a bad mood for quite a while.
She is really eager to go out lately. I've been training them a bit more to walk on a leash. Poppy simply LOVES it. walking around in circles around the garden for hours, catching flies, trying to run away haha (my mom accidently let go of the leash. poppy racing off, luckily her leash got tangled in the bushes).
Pitts is always a lot more careful, but she's a smart cat. After the firsth time she still was a bit timid in the beginning. I had to drag her onto the grass. Suddenly she realised she had been there before, and started exploring immediately. She even chased flies. Running around, she caught up with Poppy, who already walked around the entire garden.
Poppy is really thickheaded, though. At night, before I go to bed, I close the sunblinds entirely (the rest of the they they're open at cat level), so that nobody can peak in at the moment when I'm walking around with a huge sleepy head.
So, this morning the where closed, and Poppy simply wanted to have a look outside. Being a cat, and not being able to have her dailey house routine, made her evil, and she pushed her head through the blinds, knocking down 2 of my 3 (already delicate) orchids. They have a history with cats, and just have started getting leafs and buds again.
Afterwards she came looking for me, like nothing had happen, and when you look at that funny little face, staying mad is simply impossible.
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